Berner Group Holding SE & Co. KG
Bernerstraße 6
74653 Künzelsau

T +49 7940 121-0


Berner Group Holding SE & Co. KG is a limited partnership in accordance with the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch) with its registered office in Künzelsau, registered in the Commercial Register of the Stuttgart District Court under HRA 737113.

Sales tax identification number (§ 27a of the German Sales Tax Act): DE335710621

Personally liable partner with power of representation: Berner Management SE (European public limited company) with registered office in Künzelsau, registered in the Commercial Register of the Stuttgart District Court under HRB 775146, which in turn is represented by the Executive Board: Christian A.W. Berner (Chairman of the Executive Board, CEO) and Christian Dahmen (CFO, ad interim)

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Carsten Albrecht, Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Albert Berner

Editorial team: Corporate Communications, Berner Omnichannel Trading Holding SE, 74653 Künzelsau 



Technical implementation and digital marketing:

neusta experience GmbH
Konsul-Smidt-Straße 24
28217 Bremen

Pictures: ©Berner Group Holding SE & Co. KG